Update 0.21 - Linux and Mac versions added

Steam Community Items

[img]http://cdn.edgecast.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/26306673/44f1d612c709ab75585688b1bee082e152dea4f2.jpg[/img] IMPOSSIBALL is now available to gamers on Linux/SteamOS and Mac! As well as builds for the new platforms, this latest version includes the following changes: [list] [*] You can now re-map the keys for both player 1 and player 2 via the CONTROLS page. Just click on a key and you will be prompted to assign a new key. [*] Added a new video option to turn on or off "VSync" - this limits the frame rate to the refresh rate of your monitor and reduces the load on your graphics card. [*] When the cursor is hidden, the mouse is now locked in position - fixing a problem discovered on Linux [*] Fixed the "mouse exploit" reported by Linas W. N. Sparrow - you can no longer move the mouse up and down quickly to create an impenetrable wall [/list] With regards to the last item in that list - the fix required us to limit the speed at which you can move the ship with the mouse. This is necessary to make it fair when playing against someone else using either the keyboard or a controller. It takes a little getting used to but, hopefully, you will understand that it was a necessary step. We would like to thank all the Linux beta testers that were recruited via [url=gamingonlinux.com]GamingOnLinux.com[/url] As always, we encourage your feedback and suggestions. Happy gaming, Dark Duo Games