Update 0.0.46 - Balancing / Small Additions


A rogue-lite style city-building game in a relaxed dark fantasy world. Explore your goblin kingdom, find interesting locations and choose your heroes. Defeat hordes of monsters, harvest, build, cook, feed and grow. Good luck!

[u][b]First: remeber to leave any kind of feedback here to participate in the key giveaway. It ends in a few days! :)[/b][/u] [b]Improvements:[/b] [b]Level Cap:[/b] [list] [*] Prevented players from reaching level 4 by setting the required experience points extremely high. The current level cap is 3, but it will be increased in future updates. [/list] [b]Enhanced Selection Menu:[/b] [list] [*] Added short descriptions for heroes in the selection menu for starting heroes. [*] Included information about each hero's favorite food in the selection menu. [/list] [b]Notification Removal:[/b] [list] [*] Removed the message about potential appearances at Wayfarer's Firepit, as unlocked units now appear there daily (see below for details). [/list] [b]Buffs/Nerfs:[/b] [b]Wayfarer's Firepit Changes:[/b] [list] [*] Once unlocked, Wayfarer's Firepit now contains new units every day, provided at least one unit has been unlocked. [*] Each unit can only be hired once per run. Note: Many more heroes will be available to unlock in future updates. [*] Reduced the initial unlock cost for Wayfarer's Firepit to 2 gold. [/list] [b]Building Cost Adjustments:[/b] [list] [*] Lumberjack now requires 3 gold to build. [*] Stone Mine now requires 4 wood to build. [*] Tavern now requires 3 gold to build. [/list] [b]Unit Cost Changes:[/b] [list] [*] Hiring Goblins now costs only 3 gold. [*] Reduced the cost to buy units at Wayfarer's Firepit to 3 gold. Note: In future updates, different units will cost different resources. [/list] Many thanks to all players that gave balancing feedback, especially [b]Rhagon[/b].