Update 0.0.42 - Hotfix


A rogue-lite style city-building game in a relaxed dark fantasy world. Explore your goblin kingdom, find interesting locations and choose your heroes. Defeat hordes of monsters, harvest, build, cook, feed and grow. Good luck!

[b]Important Hotfix ( after 2 days[/b] ːlunar2019crylaughingpigː[b]):[/b] [list] [*] The game crashed on Day 5, just before the first boss spawned, but that issue should now be fixed. [/list] [b]Additional info:[/b] [list] [*] I'm currently improving the player experience based on your feedback by adding information on starting items and details on the different buildings, among other enhancements. [*] Also restart steam if there is no new update shown. [/list] [b]A huge thank you to everyone who continues playing despite these frustrating bugs! <3[/b]