UPDATE 0.0.12c


KLETKA is a co-op (up to 6 players) horror game about going down in an elevator that is trying to eat you. Feed the elevator, explore deadly floors and descend deeper.

We would like to thank everyone once again for their active feedback. If something from this list is still causing problems - feel free to write, we will investigate further and fix it. [list] [*] Players in spectator mode can now move freely within a certain radius of their “vessel”. Spectators can also mark locations on the level with the LMB. [*] Traps can now be disarmed with your bare hands. But we don't recommend disarming this way! [*] Fixed meat spawn when destroying corpses. [*] Fixed replication of physical objects on the client side. [*] Fixed displaying the description of status effects and perks when restarting a session. [/list]