UPDATE 0.0.11a


KLETKA is a co-op (up to 6 players) horror game about going down in an elevator that is trying to eat you. Feed the elevator, explore deadly floors and descend deeper.

We would like to thank everyone once again for their active feedback. If something from this list is still causing problems - feel free to write, we will investigate further and fix it. [list] [*] Redesigned spectator mode: tab-menu and text chat are now available in it. [*] Added the ability to open the profile of a teammate in Steam (via tab-menu). [*] Fixed respawning: now first-person hands are displayed correctly and items can be interacted properly. [*] Fixed third-person interactions. [*] Fixed a bug with the inability to upgrade with gears. [*] Fixed elevator upgrades are not displaying correctly when using the red gear. [*] Fixed elevator soft lock when fuel and tech. state are low. [*] Added a variation of skins for the player. In test mode for now. [*] Adjusted the chances of spawning some items. [/list]