Upcoming update, Steam cards and iOS release


Relax and listen to the hypnotizing world of Oxytone, slow paced puzzle game where you rotate hexagonal tiles with paths. Each tile can be used up to six times, creating tangled paths.

[h2]We're gaining momentum![/h2] The first major update to the game titled "Crystal Update" is coming, which includes 4 new maps, new achievements, backgrounds, and a few surprises! The release date is not yet known, but it will definitely be out by the end of June! The new maps will feature a strange pillar with the titular crystal spinning at the top. This is a new game mechanic that will require new strategies and a different approach than what you're used to with Oxytone. The update will be free and will be available exclusively to Steam players at first. [h2]Steam cards and profile features[/h2] We have the opportunity to create cards and other profile features on Steam. We are very eager to take advantage of this! Cards, badges, and other profile features will be available with the Crystal Update! [h2]Game release on iOS[/h2] Less than a month after the release on Nintendo Switch, Oytone will arrive on iOS devices! I encourage you to download and rate it. Who knows? Maybe this version will become your favorite version of Oxytone? [h2]Festival of endless replayability[/h2] Oxytone is joining the Festival of Endless Replayability! According to Steam statistics, 20% of players have spent more than 10 hours with Oxytone, and there are also many players who have spent over 100 hours in Oxytone! It's truly amazing and encouraging, especially considering that future updates will further increase the game's replayability! [h3]And you? What are you most looking forward to in Oxytone?[/h3]