Patch 1.0.6 - Snow update


Relax and listen to the hypnotizing world of Oxytone, slow paced puzzle game where you rotate hexagonal tiles with paths. Each tile can be used up to six times, creating tangled paths.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44634382/c5065b78ff56347576aa4aeb87297153fbe4e05b.png[/img] Hi folks! Just landed on Steam is the latest patch 1.0.6 titled Snow Update, which, in addition to a few fixes and improvements, also adds Snow Mode. Activate it in the Unlocks section and enjoy the holiday spirit! And now, best wishes from OxGames! [h2]Changelog:[/h2] [list] [*] Control hints display for a longer duration. [*] Control hints now appear in the Options menu. [*] Improved clarity of descriptions in the Unlocks section. [*] Added Snow Mode. [*] Low settings mode now looks a bit nicer and is more efficient. [/list] [h2]Bug Fixes:[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed screen not clearing on resolutions other than 16:9 aspect ratio. [*] Corrected typos. [*] Increased game performance. [*] Fixed minor bugs. [/list]