πŸŽ‰ Huge News in Oxytone - Introducing Mega-tile! πŸŽ‰


Relax and listen to the hypnotizing world of Oxytone, slow paced puzzle game where you rotate hexagonal tiles with paths. Each tile can be used up to six times, creating tangled paths.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44634382/c9db39798298ce9f02de821823062a53ca4edfaa.png[/img] We are thrilled to announce the upcoming introduction to Oxytone of something that will undoubtedly revolutionize the way you perceive our game - meet the Mega-tile! Yes, you heard right, this is not your ordinary tile, it’s a true giant among tiles! The Mega-tile is exactly what you need to turn your strategies upside down. Imagine a tile that looks like your favorite, standard tiles, but is three times larger and offers a whopping 18 paths - yes, 6 entrances on each side! We can already see those combinations... [h3]But that's not all! You're probably wondering what incredible possibilities this colossus brings:[/h3] [list] [*] Cosmic Combo: Achieving extraordinary combinations will now be more exciting than ever. Get ready for a whole new level of challenges and satisfaction! [*] Ultra Surprise: The first player to lay a path through all 18 entrances of the Mega-tile will unlock a secret message from our team. What could it be? A new level? Personal thanks? Or maybe just... a slice of pizza? πŸ• [/list] And here's the best part: attempts to estimate the number of possible combinations that Mega-tile introduces to the game made our supercomputers break a sweat. Preliminary estimates speak of such an astronomical number that mathematicians suggest adding a new operation called "megamultiplication" to the multiplication table. Yes, Mega-tile not only changes the rules of the game – it creates new laws of mathematics! The attached screenshot only gives a small taste of what awaits you. We can't wait to see Mega-tile in action and hear your opinions! Are you ready for this gigantic step in the evolution of Oxytone? [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44634382/b8a608830fd0c13587eec4a6f141c8ce5b6c3c4f.png[/img] And in the end, remember - today's date is April 1st, so... maybe check the calendar before planning strategies with Mega-tiles. πŸ˜‰ But who knows, maybe one day we will actually introduce something equally amazing. Until then - happy puzzling and watch out for April Fool's jokes!