Upcoming Patch information

Wild West Online

Welcome to the emergent open world, Wild West-themed action PVP online game featuring non stop players vs player battles, world exploration, resource gathering, and much, much more.

Okay, new patch is almost there and let me go thru most important pieces that it'll bring to the table. We estimate patch will be deployed not later than June 15th. 1.Bunch of bugs fixed. Basically most of the bugs you've reported for the last couple of weeks are fixed now. 2.Removing Factions. There'll be no "Mcfarlanes vs Steele". we loved it internally, but effectively it did added some unnecessary complexity to the gameplay mechanics and affected player's experience in a negative way. 3.Sheriffs vs Outlaw - CORE gameplay. Instead we're bringing back Sheriffs vs Outlaws mechanics, and they'll become our two main factions in a game. While we don't think that first release will check all boxes for all players, we will continue tweak and fine tuning it until we'll get system that all players will be happy about. 4.Town Capture redesign. Well this is a meat and bones of the WWO experience - massive structured shootouts between players. When we initially designed game, this was what we thought will be a core gameplay. And our goal is to make sure that this time we'll do it right. Teams autobalancing, "right" spawn points, rewards, it's all goes into the new design. 5.Weapons adjustments. We're adding more in terms of difference between how weapon shoots in TPS, FPS and ADS modes, how crouch affecting accuracy, etc. 6.More visible cross hair. Well yes :), we're bringing back more prominent crosshair. Not a small almost invisible dot. 7.More Fluff loot variety. When you kill someone, he will drop some loot that make sense - not just apples, oranges, but things like pocket watch, fancy belts, sigars, jewelry, etc. All that can be taken and sold for small amount of money in a stores across the world. 8.Barricades. You will only be able to place barricades within Town Capture Event radius and around Campsites you've deployed. 9.Hideout Cabins. You will not be able to access Global Storage anymore. You will not be able to Fast Travel if you have Most Wanted status. You can only craft meds, barricades, gear at Hideout Cabins. 10.Gold Stream miners. Can be only placed a) near water, b) outside safe zones. 11.Rewards redesigned. We've redesigned rewards for all Events, to make sure that all events will mean something to players, ie instead just generically giving you gold or same items between different events, each event will provide unique loot that you NEED to play game. Of course all same loot you will be able to get thru camp chests - but that's all about luck, when event rewards are more skill based. 12.Tutorials. we're starting adding tutorials for the new players, this will be ongoing process. 13.FREE TRIAL Version of the game. We're adding free trial version of the game. It'll be available both at our website as well as thru Steam on a game's store page. Free trial version will let users to play game as a normal player, but with some restrictions. Most important restrictions are : 1.You will not be able to level up past level 20. As soon as you'll reach 20, you'll stop accumulating experience. 2.You will not be able to unlock any achievements or receive rewards.