PATCH 0.8.510

Wild West Online

Welcome to the emergent open world, Wild West-themed action PVP online game featuring non stop players vs player battles, world exploration, resource gathering, and much, much more.

Here's patch notes for the Patch 0.8.510 [h1]NEW TO THE GAME[/h1] [olist] [*]PLANTATIONS 0.9 are here. You can unlock SMALL PLANTATIONS, decorate them, etc. Please be aware that you may experience bugs here. [*]Faction Perks. We've added Faction related perks that can be activated in game depending on faction you've chosen when you created your character. [*]New Factions aka "Families" are here! [*]Added visual icons for the active missions - we display on both map screen and in a HUD icons that points to the delivery points, NPCs, activateable objects, etc for the currently active Mission. [*]Added "Daily Offers" mini store. Based on players suggestions, we're allowing players to buy individual cosmetic items. Limited selection will be rotating daily. This special store is accessible from the main front end menu. [*]Campsites are redesigned, they're now work for ALL players belonging to the same "Faction" as player that deployed them, allowing for more in depth roleplay and ambushes. [*]New Achievements Added. [*]New Gameplay - Faction wars - new Towns Capture. [/olist] [h1]EXISTING MECHANICS CHANGES [/h1] [olist] [*]Reputation affects sale price when you sell items to the vendor. [*]Reputation will be slowly moving to neutral all the time - basically if you don't do anything that affects reputation in a world, NPCs will "forget" about your past deeds. [*]You will get small amount of XP for the crafting. [*]You'll get small XP for the mining. [*]Public Events starts at random time in a game, we've also added more points when they can happen in a world. [*]You can't drop Strongbox you've received at Stagecoach Event anymore. You need to open it, before you'll be able to grab new one. [*]Tombstone is spawned even if you didn't dropped any gold. We have different types of tombstones now clearly showing if there's any loot dropped. [/olist] [h1]QUALITY OF LIFE [/h1] [olist] [*]Reticule DOT COLOR is changing depending on a target. [*]Made smaller graphics that announces Events in a game. They're not covering as much of the screen space anymore. [*]Respawn screen - added information on why you can't use one or another respawn point. [*]Mining spot icons on a map shows exactly type of mining resource - iron, rock, gold. [*]More clear and informative Friends list. New information shows clearly type of player's account, bonuses he received, his faction, etc. [*]Visually improved Deploy Object rendering. [/olist] [h1]BUG FIXES [/h1] [olist] [*]Fixed bug related to NPCs giving out same mission over and over again. [*]Fixed bug related to NPC giving out same mission that was just completed at other location [*]Fixed multiple bugs related to Items requirements for the missions. [*]Fixed crash related to Horse animation [*]Fixed crash related to Dynamite Detonator [*]Fixed crash related to chain detonation of over 8 explosives in a row [*]Fixed bug related to "levitating horse" [*]Fixed multiple bugs related to missing Text in a descriptions or the names of the items. More work is ahead of us! [*]Fixed bug that "lose items" you bought in a store related to Global Storage being full. [*]Fixed bug related to invisible "Artifact" icon. [*]Fixed bug related to inventory management of the items received as a mission reward ( can't stack ) [*]Fixed bug related to incorrect text display in a tooltips [*]Fixed multiple bugs related to duping messages displayed to the player. [*]Fixed bug related to lack of "intoxication" VFX. [*]Fixed multiple bugs related to wrong damage related to explosives. [*]Fixed multiple server crash bugs. [/olist]