Patch Notes 0.8.515

Wild West Online

Welcome to the emergent open world, Wild West-themed action PVP online game featuring non stop players vs player battles, world exploration, resource gathering, and much, much more.

Here's Patch Notes for the patch 0.8.515 [h1]EXISTING MECHANICS CHANGES[/h1] [olist] [*]Quests are easier to complete in a server crowded environment [*]Quests XP and rewards were increased [*]Mining is not consuming Stamina anymore [*]Mining is more profitable now [*][b]Town Capture Balancing[/b] If one Faction dominates Town Capture - ie have at least two times more players, other side will get additional Points for each kill to balance that. This will happens ONLY if one of the sides have more than 10 players, and OBLY if one side dominate another by having more than twice as much players. [*]Decorations on Plantations are sold for in game dollars for nominal price [*]Players who spent TN buying decorations were refunded TN they've spent on Plantation decorations [*]Improving Town Capture faction camps layouts and design [/olist] [h1]BUG FIXES[/h1] [olist] [*]Multiple crash bugs fixed [*]Fixed bug related to wrong revive location while participating in Town Capture Event [*]Fixed bug related to the receving Damage while inside Plantation [/olist]