UOR - Update #4

Ultra Off-Road 2019: Alaska

‘Ultra Off-Road’ is an Indie simulator of off-road driving in the land of Alaska.

[h1]1. Ultra Off-Road just got 'Ultra Control'![/h1] [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/34090440/1b198ffeda49a62d0060570010f3ece405035045.png[/img] Someone said that the true fun and joy of off-road is the car customization and adjustments. Well now you gain FULL control of your drives. Something even the biggest of [b]our competitors doesn't have[/b]. [url=https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/34090440/c2fd32a927c4af8e193602e3e86fa5413dc4651d.png]CLICK HERE FOR FULL SCREEN VERSION WHERE YOU CAN ACTUALLY SEE/READ A THING[/url] Here's the full list of what you can adjust from now on. [u]ENGINE[/u] Min/Max RPM, max power, force induction, spool up time, power gain. [u]TRANSMISSION[/u] final gear ratio, target shift up/down RPM, clutch RPM, shift duration. [u]STEERING[/u] lower/high speed angle, degrees per second limit. [u]DRIVING ASSIST[/u] TCS, ABS, stability, drift assist. [u]SEPARATE CONTROL OF AXLES[/u] power coefficient, brake coefficient, handbrake coefficient, differential strength, steer coefficient, Ackermann percent, toe angle, caster angle, camber at top/bottom, anti-roll bar force. [i]So from now on if I'll see another Review bashing us for lack of customization - I'm seriously calling the cops lol.[/i] [h1]2. Icons became a bit more 'serious' and a bit less 'arcadish'.[/h1] [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/34090440/92b015eae43fa8d8708ea8f5688f2bf1c2316925.png[/img] Hope you like them. [h1]3. Physics tweaks[/h1] We are still trying to find a bullet-proof method to stop the cars from going 'Luis Armstrong', upon getting glitched between obstacles. Meanwhile - we tweaked the code a bit. Result? 'Skyrocketing' should be much, much more rare. Also: if anybody has screenshot or even better - videos of this occurrence - please share them with us. We still couldn't replicate this bug and experience it first-hand. [h1]4. Car Lights and Wide Lights[/h1] [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/34090440/f16c34b5106b3d5b1c79f3a7dbe0af47213aa904.png[/img] Now you got two kinds of lights. We figured out Long Lights would be kind a pointless in off-road driving, but lights with wider cone might come in handy. So boom - you got them now. 'L' - for regular lights 'K' - for wide lights. [h1]5. Xbox One Controller user - plug out'n'in.[/h1] Out of all controllers and funky apparatus - Xbox controller appears to be the most annoying to work with. Sometimes you can map its input in the '[b]Input[/b]' tab of the launcher - sometimes you can't. Sometimes even if you can't map it - it will still work in game (and sometimes it won't). First time we plugged that lil' devil - it wouldn't work at all (but OS detected the device and installed the corresponding drivers). Then we unplugged it - and plugged again. Boom - it started working. Then we unplugged'n'plugged AGAIN and boom [i]'nope hot shot, now I won't let you use me'[/i]. With all due respect to Microsoft - but their product appears to have some legit, mental disorder. Regardless - we are doing our best to find a permanent solution and fix it once and for all. Sadly - not yet. Sorry for that :( [h1]6. Terrain and Cars geometry optimization[/h1] We (again) modified collision polygons of cars and landscape. So the world become even MORE accessible than before. Of course - we still try to stay loyal to realism. Anyway - now you can try and accomplish stuff like this below. [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/34090440/df9a881f60ac9e9f3b1a43987e5c6ad827d2792b.png[/img] [h1]ANNUAL NOTE[/h1] As usual - any bugs and weird stuff you'd find - report it right away. I might not reply ALWAYS - but I DO note everything. So yeah - keep that feedback stream flowing. Oh and have a nice weekend =)