‘Ultra Off-Road’ is an Indie simulator of off-road driving in the land of Alaska.
[h1]1. Ultra Off-Road just got 'Ultra Control'![/h1]
Someone said that the true fun and joy of off-road is the car customization and adjustments. Well now you gain FULL control of your drives. Something even the biggest of [b]our competitors doesn't have[/b].
[url=https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/34090440/c2fd32a927c4af8e193602e3e86fa5413dc4651d.png]CLICK HERE FOR FULL SCREEN VERSION WHERE YOU CAN ACTUALLY SEE/READ A THING[/url]
Here's the full list of what you can adjust from now on.
Min/Max RPM, max power, force induction, spool up time, power gain.
final gear ratio, target shift up/down RPM, clutch RPM, shift duration.
lower/high speed angle, degrees per second limit.
TCS, ABS, stability, drift assist.
power coefficient, brake coefficient, handbrake coefficient, differential strength, steer coefficient, Ackermann percent, toe angle, caster angle, camber at top/bottom, anti-roll bar force.
[i]So from now on if I'll see another Review bashing us for lack of customization - I'm seriously calling the cops lol.[/i]
[h1]2. Icons became a bit more 'serious' and a bit less 'arcadish'.[/h1]
Hope you like them.
[h1]3. Physics tweaks[/h1]
We are still trying to find a bullet-proof method to stop the cars from going 'Luis Armstrong', upon getting glitched between obstacles. Meanwhile - we tweaked the code a bit. Result? 'Skyrocketing' should be much, much more rare. Also: if anybody has screenshot or even better - videos of this occurrence - please share them with us. We still couldn't replicate this bug and experience it first-hand.
[h1]4. Car Lights and Wide Lights[/h1]
Now you got two kinds of lights. We figured out Long Lights would be kind a pointless in off-road driving, but lights with wider cone might come in handy. So boom - you got them now.
'L' - for regular lights
'K' - for wide lights.
[h1]5. Xbox One Controller user - plug out'n'in.[/h1]
Out of all controllers and funky apparatus - Xbox controller appears to be the most annoying to work with.
Sometimes you can map its input in the '[b]Input[/b]' tab of the launcher - sometimes you can't.
Sometimes even if you can't map it - it will still work in game (and sometimes it won't).
First time we plugged that lil' devil - it wouldn't work at all (but OS detected the device and installed the corresponding drivers).
Then we unplugged it - and plugged again. Boom - it started working.
Then we unplugged'n'plugged AGAIN and boom [i]'nope hot shot, now I won't let you use me'[/i].
With all due respect to Microsoft - but their product appears to have some legit, mental disorder.
Regardless - we are doing our best to find a permanent solution and fix it once and for all. Sadly - not yet. Sorry for that :(
[h1]6. Terrain and Cars geometry optimization[/h1]
We (again) modified collision polygons of cars and landscape. So the world become even MORE accessible than before. Of course - we still try to stay loyal to realism. Anyway - now you can try and accomplish stuff like this below.
[h1]ANNUAL NOTE[/h1]
As usual - any bugs and weird stuff you'd find - report it right away. I might not reply ALWAYS - but I DO note everything. So yeah - keep that feedback stream flowing.
Oh and have a nice weekend =)