UOR - Update #12

Ultra Off-Road 2019: Alaska

‘Ultra Off-Road’ is an Indie simulator of off-road driving in the land of Alaska.

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/34090440/5626c885324669e705c5557e1c4e3a67831568c1.jpg[/img] [h1]==========🔧UPDATE CONTENT🔧 ==========[/h1] ____HELP SCREEN You can access that by pressing "F1" button. Should be handy in case you would forget what does what hehe. ____MORE BUG FIXES ~ Arrow in in track selection screen fixed ~ Snow on track 6 - fixed ~ Pick Ups for Spitetire - fixed ~ Pick Ups for Mudrunner - fixed ~ Pick Ups for Mudrunner Desert - fixed ~ Some cars had their texture disappeared on track 6 - now they have it again lol ~ Track 8 in Freeride Mode still had Damage System active. Now it doesn't, as intended. ~ Black tire tracks disabled ____ICE TORCH AT DIGITAL DRAGONS Eagle has landed! :D We are on [url=http://digitaldragons.pl/]Digital Dragons[/url] event in Krakow in Poland. If you happen to be around - feel invited to drop be to say hello! You can find us This is also the reason why we went so silent lately hehe. Preparing for this event took a lot of time and man power. Here, lemme 'drive you around town' :) [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/34090440/f388903a8c6c745ec81beb4d223dfcc7f4e495e4.jpg[/img] [i]Preparing the spot.[/i] [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/34090440/49c8467f40ee0bb9976ba1e9603ced972b6a6916.jpg[/img] [i]This place is huge![/i] [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/34090440/1b41632335e6557da67badbfa7e01bd32b31f352.jpg[/img] [i]People starting to pile up around us <3[/i] Special thanks and our kindest regards to all our friends who already dropped by to check us out. Which is Drageus, Better Gaming Agency, AddApp, RedDeer Games, Huuuge Games, TwoMammoths, AMD, Epic and Krakowski Park Technologiczny. You guys are awesome! :D [h1]==========🚗WHAT'S DOWN THE ROAD🚗==========[/h1] 1. We are still working on fixing steering wheel support once and for all but its more complex than we initially thought (Thx Thomas_A_H for helping! ) 2. Soon you'll be able to play Ultra Off-Road from First Person Perspective as the first car interior is almost complete! 3. Still looking for better audio for cars. :( IF you have someone affordable - please push him to our direction, thx. 4. We got dynamic weather, dynamic snow, dynamic trees and soo - another 'dynamic' will join the family! And it'll be grass! :D Not that sort of grass that just wiggle left and right no. A grass that will bend if you drive on it. 5. Still trying to figure our how to implement proper, dynamic mud. In theory - the code is the same for both snow and mud. The thing is - on Winter Map you have snow like everywhere - but we don't want to have mud EVERYWHERE on Summer Map. Just some here, some there. But the code is very binary, 0/1. So you either have it all or none. Piotr is doing his best to figure it out. 6. We got various cars with various colors. So our next step on the road of cars customization will be adding stickers and various wheels. But that further down the road (remember - we got only ONE person working on the code of the game and day is only 24h long...:'( ) [h1]==========⛰️AS USUALLY...⛰️==========[/h1] Thank you for supporting us guys :) Reviews and score are starting to climb up again and it means the world to us. I know we have a long way a head of us, but seeing our hard work starting to pay off... [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/34090440/396ce55908c12766d1ef03cc1b0a3c1e8acc0057.png[/img] Thank you. Just thank you. (ಥ﹏ಥ)