UOR - Update #1

Ultra Off-Road 2019: Alaska

‘Ultra Off-Road’ is an Indie simulator of off-road driving in the land of Alaska.

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/34090440/add9ddf4f70160b09431fe44095dcebbb8d68905.png[/img] "As promised and requested" First Patch We included [b]Manual Gear Mode[/b] but also left [b]Automatic Gear Mode[/b] in game. So its now for you to decide which one do you prefer. You switch between [b]Gear Modes[/b] by pressing keyboard key '[b]G[/b]'. When you use [b]Manual Mode[/b] - you switch gears with '[b]R[/b]' and '[b]F[/b]' [u]Expect another patch in couple of days[/u]. Patch 2 will include '[b]Freeride[/b]' Mode. In '[b]Freeride[/b]' - all maps are unlocked and hunger/car damage/fuel will be disabled so you can roam freely and try to climb that mountains at the horizon - without worrying you run out of resources or trash your car.