Unit Suicide & Pathfinding Fixes v0.2.6

Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator 2

Welcome to Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator 2, the most ridiculous and insane battle simulator in existence! Create eye watering battles with hundreds of thousands, even millions of characters on screen! Jump into multiple campaigns in game or player made, or play in sandbox mode and FPS invasion

Hello everyone. We finally got to the bottom of the pathfinding bug which caused units to randomly want to go for single points on the map, which also lead to many of them suiciding caused by excessive amounts of units in a single spot. -Pathfinding bug fixed which caused the black hole effect and mass suicide. -Reduced bunching/crowding along wall and cliff edges. Wednesday Hotfix: We continue to improve pathfinding bugs and execution. We apologize for some of the previous bugs introduced, pathfinding has undergone a great deal of changes the past weeks, which can inevitably introduce new bugs. We feel with the latest fixes, it's now in a good place. Friday Hotfix: -Some issues with RTS and new pathfinding fixed. Mainly the issue where units would not respond to enemies even though they had arrive at ordered destination. -Another pathfinding improvement for diagonal navigation. Change helped improve formation and spread. -Pathfinding fix that often caused pathfinding bugs when searching out large units such as tanks. Let us know if you find any other issues!