Tyler: Model 005 V1.9 Now available.

Tyler: Model 005

Tyler: Model 005 is a 3D action-platformer and exploration game set in the 1950s where you customize and control a spunky miniature robot named Tyler. Many years after powering down, Tyler is accidentally powered on during a thunderstorm and must discover what has happened to his creator and home.

[img]http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/27447532/f5afae98be93f360df94d09eb73353caa1f3dbf3.jpg[/img] Hi community, V1.9 is one of the biggest updates released so far, after extensive testing and taking user experience feedback, V1.9 addresses the biggest issues and completes core mechanics of the game Eg, Memory's upgrades and features. From here on in we will then be concentrating on adding to the story and side quests and then releasing another update. From there we will be switching to internal testing for a few months why we get the game ready for its final release. Below you will find a list of some of biggest changes. [h1]Visual Effects And Rendering[/h1] [list] [*]Resolution scaling to maintain frame-rate (options menu). [*]Global illumination performance and update rate increase. [*]Evaporate particles from fallen enemies. [*]Layered shell shader for fur on rats. [*]Flickering lights now have reduced flicker intensity. [*]Flickering lights now have a random sine speed for more realistic lighting. [*]Improved glass shading. [*]Hit effect when Tyler is hit. [*]Fog effect added to all volumetric lighting. [*]Increased volumetric lighting density for better light visibility. [*]Decreased global illumination intensity for better light visibility. [/list] [h1]Sound[/h1] [list] [*]Added Air whoosh when falling. [*]Battery pickup audio. [/list] [h1]User Interface[/h1] [list] [*]Settings menu is now accessible in game. [*]Added a light bulb to indicate charging. [*]Improve charging UI (tutorial). [*]Subtitles (English only), unable to switch off in this build. [*]Targeted enemy now displays a horizontal cross-hair. [*]Battery efficiency now adds an extra notch to your battery. [/list] [h1]User Interface[/h1] [list] [*]+30% input response time compared to the previous build. [*]+30% performance increase compared to the previous build. [*]Camera transition into the climb. [*]New tower defense build system. [*]Better Battery pickup detection. [/list] [h1]Design[/h1] [list] [*]General balances (charging, combat) [*]Added additional props. [*]Cherry bombs added (Single and box of 5) (See controls) [*]Expanded intro to show how Tyler was powered up. [*]New AI behaviors. [olist] [*]Small spiders and ants wander around and can be avoided by keeping distance. [*]Maximum of 1 enemies will be in combat at one time while others that are ready for combat will hang back until a combat space becomes free. enemies now charge their attacks for longer and brighten up before striking giving the player the chance to evade attacks. [/olist] [*]Updated textures on old props. [*]Enemies now produce multiple XP orbs. [*]Exaggerated enemy size for improved visibility. [*]added auto attacker select to enemy AI. [*]Enemies now back up when not attacking. [*]Enemies now commit to attacks. [*]Dodge on the controller now only needs to be pressed once. [*]Tyler needs to be looking with 120 degrees of a surface to climb. [*]Tyler now climbs surfaces he's looking at over one's off to the side. [*]Battery now resets to 50% when entering a room with below 50% battery. [*]The player is now notified when collecting a combo card part. [*]Combo cards are now unlocked by completing sticker cards (Not Bolts) [*]Agility upgrade now increases Tyler's climbing speed and hang-time. [*]Added more foliage to the environment. [*]4 recoverable memories (Complete with VO). [*]5 Audio triggers (Clock, Toys, Newspapers) [*]Stats table added under Tyler's Choirs. [*]Location: Forest. [*]Location: The Garage with Flashback audio triggers and climb points implemented. [*]in mid-air the player can now dive and land into an evade. [*]Tutorial redesigned. [*]Added option to skip the intro. [*]Tutorial redesigned. [*]Hidden combo card (BoxBoy) unlocks an auto, Tesla. [*]New tower defense tower (Blade Spinner) [*]Level 2 exploration ( light projection reveals collectibles.) [*]Progression blockers now destroyable with cherry bombs Eg, Sewer pipes. [/list] [h1]Changes[/h1] [list] [*]Pros now destroyable with cherry bombs Eg, Cups. [*]Increased the height that Tyler will transition to the fall state. [*]Tyler no longer has a sliding state. [*]faster fall speed. [*]Vertical wall run removed. [*]Player can now evade whilst holding attack. [*]Reverse time moved to L3 on the controller. [*]Increased jump height. [*]Rat (Chase and attack) animations improved. [*]Ant (Attack) animations improved. [*] Tyler now puts his sword away automatically when climbing. [/list] We hope you like the new content and changes and we will still be active in the community hub to answer any questions. Again big thanks for your support. [img]http://cdn.edgecast.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/27447532/1f157786eb295e2a8a483370df3965eddc42a33a.png[/img]