
Trifox is a colourful and cartoonish twin stick action-adventure featuring a phenomenal fox with a multitude of talents! Choose from a trio of classes – Warrior, Mage, Engineer – or mix-and-match abilities to create a tailor-made hero! Inspired by the golden age of 3D platformers.

[h3]Get ready for the fur to fly in an action-packed, fun-filled, and bushy-tailed adventure – Trifox has launched and is available to download right now! [/h3] Should you get it? Heck yes! But don't take our word for it cos we are completely biased! Here are a few choice - and fully impartial - quotes from some of the first reviews: [list] [*] [i]"Creative enemies, challenging hidden collectables, and colourful worlds... Those looking for a mascot-centric platformer adventure shouldn’t overlook Trifox."[/i] [url=][b]Cubed3 (8/10)[/b][/url] [*] [i]"A quick-paced and fun 3D platformer."[/i] [url=][b]PC Invasion (8/10)[/b][/url] [*] [i]"When you compare Trifox to its first-party counterparts, it represents excellent value for money. It's filled with enjoyable, well-designed stages, and a really unique ability system." [/i][url=][b]SwitchUp (83%)[/b][/url] [/list] Sounds good right? You betcha! But it gets even better – the folks at [url=][b]Steam Deck Gaming[/b][/url] say that, even though it's not been verified yet, Trifox runs "absolutely flawlessly" on Steam Deck. Good times! [previewyoutube=0XDg4CupoQ4;full][/previewyoutube] A few notes before you scurry off to buy Trifox: [list] [*] If you play Trifox (which you definitely should) and would like to leave some feedback, go ahead and drop it here: [url=][b]Trifox Feedback[/b][/url] [*] If you encounter any issues or bugs while playing, please report them in this thread: [url=][b]Trifox Bug Reports[/b][/url] [*] You can also get Trifox for your favourite console – it's also out now on Switch and Xbox! (If your favourite console is PlayStation, you're going to have to wait a little longer. Sorry!) [*] Finally, if you enjoy the game, please consider leaving a lovely user review! It would make Fox very happy. [/list] Thanks so much for your support and we hope you enjoy Trifox! [url=][b]Matt | Big Sugar[/b][/url]