
Trifox is a colourful and cartoonish twin stick action-adventure featuring a phenomenal fox with a multitude of talents! Choose from a trio of classes – Warrior, Mage, Engineer – or mix-and-match abilities to create a tailor-made hero! Inspired by the golden age of 3D platformers.

[b]Trifox is split into four 'worlds' and we thought it would be cool to give you a quick look at the three main ones that Fox has to travel through as he pursues the thieving no-gooders who have stolen his TV remote. Each world has its own theme – Island, Wastelands, and Mountain – and we hope this whistlestop tour gives you a flavour of each one.[/b] [h3][b]WORLD I: ISLAND[/b][/h3] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36399664/5933ebacb1860bc5eba8642c9fc38e8232538f03.gif[/img] The first port of call on Fox's quest is this tropical hideaway. It sure looks like a little slice of paradise, but you'll quickly discover this place is COCONUTS! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36399664/e6a833b0d9de15e84e2b1f5ce4254df6313ca97c.gif[/img] The island was once home to an ancient civilization evidently very fond of building puzzle-based mechanisms perfectly designed for a cunning fox to figure out. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36399664/a9e2c9454a67241a47adaaa8683985c5d566e498.gif[/img] We can't possibly say for sure, but this area of the island may or may not be the hideout for a motley crew of sword-wielding and bomb-lobbing pirate foxes. [h3][b]WORLD II: WASTELANDS[/b][/h3] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36399664/7808344c135d8c11f8952ff4ca1aa644cd4324f6.gif[/img] An abandoned mining site repurposed by the villainous vulpines, the wastelands are hot, dusty, and littered with ramshackle machinery that almost certainly contravenes health and safety regulations. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36399664/541e743296ae01a60b1370224b038754d3905b93.gif[/img] Ooh, look at those pretty red barrels. Perhaps they contain lovely juicy apples or delicious tasty cider, perfect for refreshing famished foxes. WRONG. They contain EXPLOSIVES that EXPLODE. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36399664/f3ce06f04024bbffbbc4481448eca1a889326a78.gif[/img] Hold on to your bushy-tailed butts cos these tracks can only mean one thing: MINECART RIDE! [h3][b]WORLD III: MOUNTAINS[/b][/h3] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36399664/77305b1b57b309afa479c07300845541c196e3ec.gif[/img] Can foxes swim? Sure they can! Do they like getting wet? Heck no! Fox kindly requests you navigate the mountain's icy rivers extra carefully as he really doesn't enjoy having soggy paws. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36399664/9d83edd1b8b6986f335f602090924d9ce2e6dbd8.gif[/img] You'll need to endure a cold climb with perilous precipices, rickety cable cars, and deadly drops in order to reach the summit. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36399664/13ee85f53e43e83f1b2a89f491298fc5254a3178.gif[/img] If you think this looks dangerous and treacherous, you'd be 100% correct. Luckily, our hero Fox eats dangerous and treacherous for breakfast. Not literally. He probably has porridge. [i]Hope you enjoyed that little tour of Trifox's worlds. We'll be taking a look at enemies and abilities in a future post, so keep your beady eye peeled for that. Until then, stay foxy! [/i] [h3][b]WISHLIST AND FOLLOW![/b][/h3] https://store.steampowered.com/app/1211240/Trifox/