Trifox Developer AMA


Trifox is a colourful and cartoonish twin stick action-adventure featuring a phenomenal fox with a multitude of talents! Choose from a trio of classes – Warrior, Mage, Engineer – or mix-and-match abilities to create a tailor-made hero! Inspired by the golden age of 3D platformers.

[h1]Trifox AMA[/h1] Join the developers during a live AMA [url=]on the official Trifox Discord server[/url]. Grab a drink and join the conversation! [url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36399664/91b9ecb080672692231a048c4dba2b629eace4b9.jpg[/img][/url] [h1]Event Schedule[/h1] If you want to catch our other streams & AMA sessions, here is [url=]our schedule[/url]: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36399664/ac4348179ec19b4984569a24df344db9998afecd.jpg[/img] See you there! ;)