Trifox -


Trifox is a colourful and cartoonish twin stick action-adventure featuring a phenomenal fox with a multitude of talents! Choose from a trio of classes – Warrior, Mage, Engineer – or mix-and-match abilities to create a tailor-made hero! Inspired by the golden age of 3D platformers.

The first Trifox update is a thing! Thank you to everyone who provided us with feedback regarding the game so far. It has been a tremendous help in pinpointing any potential issues and painpoints within the game that our team might have missed along the way. Below you can find the full and detailed list of the changes that have been made for this update. As always feel free to join our Discord ([url=][/url]) and let us know what you think of the game so far and/or the changes made within this patch. Take care and have fun :) [h1]General Changes[/h1] [list] [*] Added support to the save file verification to ensure the registered chest order can be updated based on the save file template. This is required in order to ensure parity and to make sure the gem unlock order tracking will function correctly. [*] Added a new tracker in the save file to allow the visualization of the new gems being unlocked in the correct order as they can be found in the levels. [*] Fixed issue where the player was pushed around when interacting with complex, multi collision moving objects. [/list] [h1]HUD and UI[/h1] [list] [*] Adjusted the level completed gem unlocking to visualize which gems are and were unlocked based on their order in the level. [*] Adjusted the level exit gem unlocking to visualize which gems are and were unlocked based on their order in the level. [*] Adjusted the level selection screen gem visualization to show what gems you are still missing based on their order in the level. [*] Increased the height of the ability unlock tooltip so it’s no longer intersecting with the player while standing on the button. [*] Added equipt button tooltips for the movement abilities to help players understand how the movement ability assignment works and to improve the clarity during the tutorial. [*] Changed the restart option in the pause menu so it restarts the level from the start. This behavior could be achieved by returning to the hub and restarting the level, but this button will allow players to do this faster. (Progress in the level will be lost.) [*] Added a quick retry option in the pause menu which has the behavior of the old restart. It will load the level at the last achieved checkpoint. (Progress beyond that checkpoint will be lost.) [*] Fixed an issue where the hub pause screen stats display was showing the wrong information. The hub pause screen will now show how many total gems you have collected instead of how many you have found in the current level and the total combined checkpointed playtime instead of the current level checkpointed playtime. [/list] [h1]Design and Balance Changes[/h1] [h2]Player[/h2] [list] [*] Reduced the sprint start time by half. [/list] [h2]Player abilities[/h2] [h3]Memory Shards[/h3] [list] [*] Inverted the movement of the homing target effect so it’s even more obvious to the player. [*] Adjusted the color of the homing target effect to tie it more to the ability. [*] Added additional SFX to the homing target beacon. [*] Increased the damage output from 4 to 5. [*] Added a safety check to avoid the possibility of hitting yourself with the memory shards and setting a beacon when spinning around very quickly. You can still trick target yourself but only if you actually intend to do so. [/list] [h3]Essence whip[/h3] [list] [*] Damage will now no longer be dependent on the speed at which you whip the enemies and always apply the full damage. [/list] [h3]Spikeslam[/h3] [list] [*] [PERFORMANCE] Removed the collision detection from some of the spawn particle systems. [*] Extended the collision detection to ensure a better hit detection on certain very steep slopes. [*] Added a safety mechanism so that (in the rare occasion) that your attack didn’t find a surface to spawn the Spikeslam wall, you will not lose your charge/cooldown. [/list] [h3]EarthBender[/h3] [list] [*] [PERFORMANCE] Removed the collision detection from some of the spawn particle systems. [/list] [h3]Immobilization field[/h3] [list] [*] Reduced the lifetime of the Immobilization field from 30s to 15s. [*] Added damage to the Immobilization field to make it a more valuable ability for certain loadouts and to allow for interesting shard bomb combos. 1 damage per second. [/list] [h3]Helicopter[/h3] [list] [*] Enabled the abort interrupt window. The player can now use the interrupt button to cancel out of the movement ability and drop at the current location. [/list] [h1]Level Changes[/h1] [h2]HubWorld[/h2] [h3]Gameplay[/h3] [list] [*] Adjusted the dissolve settings of one of the cross beams in the loadout room to avoid the screen from being blocked. [*] Updated some of the ability videos to match the changes made. [/list] [h2]1-1 Shore Island[/h2] [h3]Gameplay[/h3] [list] [*] Removed some of the pickup drops inside of the crates that are in the water to avoid players from being lured to their death. [*] Slightly tweaked some of the camera setups to provide a better view of the pillar puzzle. [*] Added additional geometry to the top of the pillars to help the player with the platforming puzzle. Before we noticed that quite a number of players missed the jumps because of the small surface area. [*] Added additional hints for the pillar puzzle. [*] Slightly improved the button collision in the top pillar puzzle button. [*] Adjusted the force with which you drop the statue heads so that they will drop closer to the player. [/list] [h2]2-1 Off The Rails[/h2] [h3]Gameplay[/h3] [list] [*] Added health pickups to some of the enemies during the cart alignment sequence. [*] Adjusted the difficulty setup of the minecart sequence to avoid issues where the hard and higher difficulty modes were almost impossible. [*] Hard difficulty hp multiplier is now 0.75 instead of 0.5. [*] Insane difficulty hp multiplier is now 0.5 instead of 0.25. [*] Replaced a hidden explosive barrel with a regular barrel to avoid any further work accidents. [*] Moved the rocketeer in the storage area platform slightly forward so he is easier to hit. He also comes running into view now instead of being there from the start to blow you into tiny bits and pieces. [/list] [h2]2-2 Steamy Affairs[/h2] [h3]Fixes[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed propellers above factory entrance & thumper not moving because they were statically batched. [*] Added collision to elevator platform console at the crane arena entrance. [*] Removed debug logging that was still active on the thumper door. [*] Fixed an issue where the elevator ramp would not collide with the engineer deployables. [*] Fixed an issue where you could mage blink through the trigger zone starting the final encounter of the wastelands02 level, not triggering it when intended. [*] Added extra collision to the balloon propellor case which was not targetable with pointer setup. (wasn't really an issue with controller due to auto aim.) [/list] [h2]3-2 A Cold Climb[/h2] [h3]Gameplay[/h3] [list] [*] Added safety collision in the river rapids exit area to avoid accidental blink positions on top of out of bounds pillars. [*] Improved the camera in the river rapids exit to avoid full camera view blocking. [/list] [h2]3-3 Summit Trials[/h2] [h3]Fixes[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed the Freeze Cam trigger zones in the void during the orange dungeon section having collision with the deployables, causing a green ghost/blueprint feedback for deployables. [*] Added extra collision to the mystical doors that enable/disable via the door controller. This fixes an issue where the player could dash back into the air vortex tunnels before they close, causing a soft lock. [*] Added extra collision to the green puzzle secret cages to prevent players from cheesing it and squeezing in between the door and the cage, potentially getting stuck. [*] Tweaked floor collision in the purple secret room for a nicer movement experience. [*] Removed accidental double checkpoint reset on laser gate causing the gates to be open after checkpoint resetting depending on order of execution/framerate. [*] Fixed a small black frame fade in issue on the final cutscene that opens the laser gate. [*] Fixed a collision issue in the orange trial that forced the player to jump to get on the button that opens the first door when standing on the rock. [/list] [h2]3-4 Unstable Grounds[/h2] [h3]Gameplay[/h3] [list] [*] Added some dissolve setups to a number of crystals. [/list] [h3]Fixes[/h3] [list] [*] Added a safety boss position reset to allow the boss to recover from the rare issue where its rotation can get out of sync. [/list] [h2]4-1 Showdown[/h2] [h3]Gameplay[/h3] [list] [*] The health bar of the boss will now remain visible after destroying all the arms in the second stage until you deliver the final blow. This should make it more obvious that the fight is not quite over when all arms are destroyed. [/list] [h3]Fixes[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed a rare issue where if you would take lethal damage right after you defeated the final boss, the cutscene would be mixed with a boss resetting. The player will now already be invincible to avoid this issue. [*] Fixed an issue where if the player would die right before delivering the final blow, the health bar of the boss would not reset with everything else. Making it impossible to see how much health the boss has left. [/list]