Trials of Fire Weekly Update now Live

Trials of Fire

A Tactical, Deck-Building Roguelite. Choose 3 Heroes and adventure into a post-Cataclysmic wasteland. Engage enemies in a unique meld of card-play and tactical, positional combat. Level up and scavenge what you can to customise your decks and build a party to take on any challenge!

[b]Trials of Fire v0.87 Release Notes[/b] Happy Friday everyone. This week’s update includes a bunch of new achievements and some balance changes and bug fixes. I’ve been working on gamepad support this week, but it’s not quite ready for prime time yet, plus, a bunch of improvement to our final Hero for 1.0 release next month. Can’t wait to share more! Most of the new achievements should unlock retroactively if you meet the criteria, so let me know if you don’t think you are getting what’s owed! Let us know what you think on Discord! [b]Card Updates[/b] [list] [*] ‘Pommel Strike’ (Warrior) – Increased damage to 2 (from 1) and cost to 1 (from 0). This new card has been proving a bit too strong compared to other class cards. [*] ‘Phantasm’ (Witch) – Increased base damage to 4 (from 3). [/list]