Translations Help

Desktop Farm

Relaxing game where you can build your farm on your desktop. Your farm will be your interactive live wallpaper. Perfect to play in the background doing other things.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38202331/e2f5e701006533edad232d5dec6ef384a100adb4.jpg[/img] [h1]Hey.[/h1] Yes, our translations are not great. We are a little team and it's really hard to fight with all words in many languages. Each is different and complicated. Maybe you would like to help? We have a list in Excel file with all of the used words. This way will be much faster. It's a simple game so there is not much to do. [h3]If you want to help:[/h3] Please download the Excel file, fill with your language under "Translations" side by side. Please use uppercase letters if they appear in the English version. Some of the words have only uppercase letters. When all will be done, please send it to me at [h3][/h3] and say hello. :D [h3]File to download is here: [/h3]!AkAW1O8Ee78okD8lCm3awhc8XwTT?e=ADPnwj [u][h3]!!! Do not edit an existing file, please.[/h3][/u] We can add more languages if needed. :D Thank you for your support. 3DM