Update Notes for Jun 23 (V_TEST.230624)

House of Necrosis Playtest

[list] [*] When your inventory is full, use the "Take" command to use, throw or swap an item directly from the floor [*] The Ammo counter now shows the correct amount of ammunition again [*] The shop's inventory now only refreshes when you enter the room [*] Throwing a push or swap hex at enemies will now block their next turn [*] Slightly increased gun damage [*] Fixed an issue where you could dodge confusion in "realtime" [*] Avoiding the "Confusion eye"'s spell is now properly implemented [*] Improved "Statue" enemy behavior [*] The "Outside" has been renamed to "Outside Scroll" and can now drop from the first floor on [*] Renamed gamepad "X"-Button to "Cross"-Button [*] Additionally to aggressive enemies, you will now see enemies on the minimap within a small radius [*] Added an indicator for when the player or enemies are confused [/list]