Patch Release | Version 1.1

Fall Of The MS Estonia

Step into the shoes of a passenger aboard the ill-fated MS Estonia in this immersive simulation. Discover what caused the ship's demise on the tragic day of 28th September 1994. With time running out, are you able to find a way off the ship?

Hello Everyone, We have just released our first pre-release patch/update! All the changes are detailed below. [h2]Additions and fixes[/h2] [list] [*]The informational loading screen now displays all of the MS Estonia's history in the same box, and the smoke is correctly aligned with the funnel [*]The pause menu exit options now are both the same font size [*]In the daytime explore mode, if you jump/fall off the ship you are automatically re-spawned on the ship [*]Previously there were white dots affecting the MS Estonia logo - this has now been corrected [*]The ship's propeller speed has been adjusted so it is more realistic [/list] If you are excited about the upcoming release of the game, remember to wishlist it and tell others! [h3]Interactive Gaming Studios[/h3]