Tournament #1 - The Dukes Finest!


Explore the world of Pangea as you embark on your adventure in this Open-World 2D ARPG. Follow and unravel the fate of the Firstborne or craft your own destiny alone or with friends with full multiplayer support.

[b]Dear Players![/b] In celebration for our first week in Early Access and to celebrate your support as our very first Players I am happy to announce a special week-long tournament "[b]The Dukes Finest![/b]" starting from Today! [b]Win Free Copies of BorderStrain to share & play with your friends![/b] In this tournament we will award the First and Second Player who hold the Highest Level on the Leaderboard free copies of the game to distribute to friends! Any Player will automatically be included in the competition, and at the deadline we will check the Leaderboards and contact the winner! [h1][u][b]Summary:[/b][/u] [b]Rules:[/b] Rule the "[i]Highest Level[/i]" Leaderboard [b]Start:[/b] Right Now! [b]Deadline: [/b]June 6th 12:00 PDT [b]Price 1st Place:[/b] 2 Free Copies of BorderStrain [b]Price 2nd Place: [/b]1 Free Copy of BorderStrain[/h1] [b]Happy Gaming![/b] [i]Note 1: There two current top-positions on the Leaderboard are held by accounts related to the Studio. These will of course not be included in the competition![/i] [i]Note 2: Please note that we will be monitoring progress to check for any signs of mis-use/cheating. Any candidate which are caught cheating will be permanently excluded from this and any upcoming competitions[/i]