BorderStrain Pangea Patch Is Now Live!


Explore the world of Pangea as you embark on your adventure in this Open-World 2D ARPG. Follow and unravel the fate of the Firstborne or craft your own destiny alone or with friends with full multiplayer support. [h1]This is the first larger content Patch for BorderStrain - Early Access. The focus of this Patch is primarily to expand the World Environment as well as add more gameplay in the form of new areas, new items and new special blocks! [/h1] [h1]With the Pangea Patch the world of Pangea now houses new, more alien areas. The World-Generator has been updated to provide better variation of the game world and new enivronmental conent and effects such multiple new Alien Trees, new Blocks and fog during Dawn and Dusk has been added![/h1] For new Loot the Patch adds Sigils, Crystals and Log-Entries. [h1]Sigils:[/h1] These are items which can be Infused in the Players Weapon to provide unique and powerful effetcs. Sigils gains XP and the more a Sigil is used the more Powerful it becomes. One intention here is also that it opens up for more Player Builds. There are a total of 12 different Sigils to be found in the game. [h1]Crystals:[/h1] Crystals are a new typ of Consumable. They can provide different one-time Effects, such as an XP-Reward, a Terraforming Event or to control the Weather and Spawn-Rate of of Creatures and Enemies. [h1]Log-Entries:[/h1] Log-Entries can now be found dropped in the game. They provide different short historical data of Pangea. The more Entries found the more backstory of Pangea can be discovered. Once the Player no longer feels a need for them they can also be Consumed for an XP Reward. [h1]Special Lootable Blocks:[/h1] A new type of special blocks which can be found in the World. These special blocks, such as tainted alien eggs or floating crystals, can be destroyed for a large Loot Reward. However, they can also trigger dangerous events once destroyed so thread carefully! This Patch also containes various smaller bug fixes and patches! Please report any bugs found on the Community Forums or directly to We will be extra vigilant to hot-fix any potential bugs now during the release of this Patch!