Thanatophobia & Frore are the Dukes Finest!


Explore the world of Pangea as you embark on your adventure in this Open-World 2D ARPG. Follow and unravel the fate of the Firstborne or craft your own destiny alone or with friends with full multiplayer support.

[h1]Dear Players, we are happy to announce that the week long Tournament #1 - "The Dukes Finest!" has now Finished![/h1] A big congratulations to [b]Thanatophobia & Frore[/b] who climed to the top of the Leaderboard and will be rewarded with 2 and 1 free copy of the game to distribute to Friends! [i]The Dukest Finest had a tough fight for the First Place and the outcome was hanging by a thread! Big Congrats to our Champions![/i] The winners will be contacted shortly to be given their rewards! [h1]# 1st Place: Thanatophobia at Lv 8 # 2nd Place: Frore at Lv 7[/h1] We plan on hosting new Tournaments down the road so keep your eyes open for new chances to compete for a top place on the Leaderboards! [b]Hurray!!![/b]