

Explore the world of Pangea as you embark on your adventure in this Open-World 2D ARPG. Follow and unravel the fate of the Firstborne or craft your own destiny alone or with friends with full multiplayer support.

Patch is now Live! This is the weekly patch trying to provide improvements to Player Feedback as well as adding a couple of small Features [list] [*] Added Biome-Select To Server Creation [*] Added Public/Private option to starting game [*] Tool-Tips Added When Player Hover Mouse Over Buttons [*] Screen-Shaker Scaler Added To Options [*] Reduced Player-Wall Bounce [*] Improved Creature Wall Collision [*] Reduced Amount Of Trees In Desert-Biomes [*] Increased Walk Animation Speed [*] Fixed Bug with Brute Passive Skill Indicator [*] Decreased Build-Time of Wood & Stone Walls [*] Improved Graphical Difference Between Coal & Iron Ore [*] Removed +NaN on Items Which Missed Something To Compare To [/list] If you notice any issues or bugs related to the new Patch, please report to the Community Hub or directly to