Tomoyo After ~It's a Wonderful Life~ English Edition

From renowned visual novel studio Key, this is the sequel to the highly acclaimed visual novel CLANNAD. Featuring a truly memorable continuation to Tomoya and Tomoyo's journey, Tomoyo After promises to draw you even further into CLANNAD's world.

Hello everyone, We are happy to announce that we will be releasing a new update of [b][i]Tomoyo After ~It's A Wonderful Life~[/i][/b]. The new update, version 1.1.0, fixes several textual errors and a bug that prevented the D&T achievement "Full mastery" from logging unlocked job skills correctly. The update is now available on the "update" branch accessible in [b]Properties > Betas[/b]. It will remain as an optional update for a week until August 12th, 2016 (PST). It will then be switched over to the default branch and be made available by default. If you encounter any problems with your game saves after switching to the "update" branch, you may wish to switch to the "release - Original release" branch and continue your current playthrough with the original version. This version will remain accessible even after the update is made default on August 12th. This update will take place right before [url=][b]Kazamatsuri's [i]Tomoyo After[/i] bookclub[/b][/url]. If you wish to read along with other members of the community and haven't yet started, it is recommended that you switch to the "update" branch before you begin! You can find additional details on the update in the bottom of this announcement. [h1]Trading cards[/h1] We are also happy to announce that we are working on a set of Steam trading cards for [b][i]Tomoyo After[/i][/b]. We are aiming to release the trading cards next month. [img][/img] [h1]Patch notes[/h1] [list] [*]Fixed a number of textual errors [*]Fixed a bug that prevented job skill unlocks from being logged. Please note that some skills will need to be unlocked again in either existing or new D&T saves for the "Full mastery" achievement to unlock. [/list]