Catalyst Wake is a cinematic visual novel set in a vividly stylized post-apocalyptic world. Discover a thrilling story of assassins, corrupted leaders, and scrap-metal robots, as humanity faces what could be its final hours.
We're one day away from Catalyst Wake's release!!
Just in case you didn't know this already, the game will be coming to Steam on February 10th next year, but is releasing on tomorrow. This is because the end of the year is a bad time to release games on Steam.
The past week has been a lot of work. It took me about three full days to compose the music, two full days to do all the sound effects... and I'm still working on putting in the voices. Hoping to finish that up tomorrow morning at the latest.
But yes, things are getting very tight as I reach the end here.
I will go into more detail about what I'm going to patch in after release — it's nothing monumental, but you know me, I like to have tons of behind the scenes and other extra content.
Well, I've got to get back to work now... you'll hear from me again tomorrow!
Until next time!
— LockedOn.
[i]You can visit [][/url] to see a backlog of progress updates.[/i]
Support me on [url=]Patreon[/url] to unlock exclusive images from the upcoming chapters of[/i] Catalyst Wake. [i]I post something there every week.[/i]