Catalyst Wake is a cinematic visual novel set in a vividly stylized post-apocalyptic world. Discover a thrilling story of assassins, corrupted leaders, and scrap-metal robots, as humanity faces what could be its final hours.
Hello! [i]Catalyst Wake[/i] has finally been released on Steam! Hopefully the wait is worth it.
To celebrate the occasion, I've changed the main menu — one of the very few things on my list of "potential future updates".
I will continue to support [i]Catalyst Wake[/i] with bug fixes and additional features after release. Be sure to let me know if you run into any issues. I know some Mac users were having difficulties — my hope was that by upgrading my computer to Catalina, it would fix that issue, and the game runs fine for me, but I do not know yet if it was resolved for anyone experiencing those problems.
I hope you enjoy the game!
— LockedOn.
[i]You can visit [][/url] to see more about upcoming games.[/i]