The "Streamline" Update (New Game Mode)

Malice & Greed

Malice & Greed is a Roguelike Turn-based RPG where you force enemies & bosses to join you after each fight, sell them to the Shady Smuggler, and butcher them to steal their skills. Customize & upgrade a new team every run to build the ultimate combo as you battle to reach Nirvana!

[h1]Normal Runs & Advanced Runs[/h1] The game as it has existed up until now featured an open, nonlinear map. This version of the game is now known as [b]Advanced Mode.[/b] [b]The old mode has not been changed in this update, and functions just like you remember it, it has just been rebranded as Advanced Mode.[/b] [h1]New Default Map Style[/h1] [b]There is a new default map style:[/b] Branching paths. This will feel comfortable to anyone familiar with popular deckbuilders like Slay the Spire or Monster Train. This offers a much more focused experience during a run, and a much clearer presentation of your options, and what they mean. [img][/img] in Advanced mode, you were able to back out of events and choose to accept them at a later time, or leave them as bait for emergency bosses. In the new mode, you can instead choose to [b]Meditate & leave[/b] at events, which will progress Spin once, and allow you to choose 1 of any Potential to gain. This new map layout allows you to see the entirety of your current act in advance, while Advanced Mode's open map retains a fog of war on unexplored locations. [b]The Grand, The Hearse, and Tough Tactics[/b] are placed in specific unmissable locations on the new map, one per area. When you reach one of them, it becomes available to revisit for the rest of the run. The Hearse and Tough Tactics still have limited stock that refills as Spin progresses, however your first visit of The Hearse no longer consumes a use (or you can Meditate instead of claiming your free swap). [b]Emergency Bosses[/b] do not spawn directly onto the map on the branching path system. Instead, they will take over The Hearse, The Grand, or Tough Tactics, at random. Defeating the boss will allow you to regain access to the event that was taken over. Emergency bosses do not have battle modifiers on this version of the map, but they have a permanent +1 Attack +1 Defense. Improvements will continue to be made to this system as it develops further. [i]Mantras are limited to Advanced Mode, as most of their abilities relate to map manipulation that would have no effect on the new mode.[/i] [h1]New Technology Awakening[/h1] [img][/img] [h1]Balance Changes[/h1] - The [b]Fatality[/b] and [b]Lethality[/b] awakenings now increase in power every round. - The [b]Extraction[/b] awakening is no longer limited by rounds. - [b]Crimson Dawn[/b] now wipes all buffs on all enemies, instead of only the target. - [b]Memento Mori[/b] now does 9 HP Loss, 9 Arcane Damage, and Cull 9, instead of 7/7/7. - [b]Violate[/b] no longer spends Arcane when used, and no longer inflicts Decay. - [b]Absolute Zero[/b] has been reduced from 6 Dex to 5. - [b]Frozen Flame[/b] now inflicts Full Freeze instead of Freeze & Burn, and deals Fire Damage instead of Ice Damage. -[b]Double Claw[/b] now has Hunt, and costs 1 Dex to cast. - The [b]Saboteur[/b] unit has been re-added with a new skill set. - The item [b]Bottled Lightning[/b] no longer transfers shock stacks from you to the enemy. It now increases Lightning Damage dealt by allies by the amount of Shock stacks on them. (You can Fossilize Shredder and/or Ride the Lightning at a sacrifice event to make this go crazy)