Embark on a dark, dystopian isometric adventure as 'Solo,' seeking to reunite with your wife and daughter after an otherworldly, life-changing event. Solve intricate puzzles and evade an everwatching sinister presence...
[h1]The Office[/h1]
[b]The Office.[/b] A place Solo knows well. It's his home 9-5 Monday to Friday, and [i]sometimes[/i] on Saturdays too. Sat in front of his computer every day, with the cold glow of his screen illuminating his cosy cubicle.
But. [b]Today is his last day.[/b] He's finally free from the grind he was so[i] tired [/i]of...
[h1]The Train Station[/h1]
The daily commute is something Solo had become all too familiar with. Taking the train to and from work. Those same old daily noises, the hum of the tracks as the train approaches. Finally it's time to go home. [b]For good.[/b]
[h1]Solo's Home[/h1]
A place where Solo relaxes day-to-day. Modern, sleek, it fit the aesthetic of today. [b]But somethings not right.[/b] [i]Something is missing... [/i]where was his family?
[h3]What is happening? Something feels very different today. In the sky, above the clouds, a faint eerie glow... Is someone, [i]or something[/i] watching Solo?[/h3]