Embark on a dark, dystopian isometric adventure as 'Solo,' seeking to reunite with your wife and daughter after an otherworldly, life-changing event. Solve intricate puzzles and evade an everwatching sinister presence...
Hi all!
We’re happy to say that The Plane Effect is in the Steam Next Fest! That means you get the chance to play the game for yourself with our all new demo, right now!
See below to discover just a handful of gorgeous environments that you can get lost in next week!
[b]The Office[/b]
Solo’s workplace has become a second home to him for years. It’s been a 9-5 day job that, slowly, he has been sucked into. But he has found an escape… The game begins on his last day in the office. He finally gets to leave this place for good.
[b]The Tube[/b]
The commute that Solo has become all too familiar with. The ticket machine is usually faulty, but it’s become expected to Solo. He already knows what to do.
[b]The City [/b]
Desolate sidewalks and busy roads is now the new norm within this dystopian society. No one feels comfortable, or safe walking any more. Policing drones keep pedestrians in-line. If you break the rules, they’ll know about it. They know about everything.
We hope you enjoy the demo!