Embark on a dark, dystopian isometric adventure as 'Solo,' seeking to reunite with your wife and daughter after an otherworldly, life-changing event. Solve intricate puzzles and evade an everwatching sinister presence...
[b]What’s a puzzle game without its hint system? [/b]
Those of you who have already played [i]The Plane Effect[/i] (us included) know just how frustrating the game and especially its puzzles can be. That’s exactly why we thought we’d reintroduce its hint system which (to us at least) has proven quite helpful as you encounter [i]The Plane Effect[/i]’s most challenging riddles.
We hope this will be of some help not just for those struggling with the game’s puzzles but also for those who haven’t yet played[i] The Plane Effect[/i]. Don’t worry, it provides options for everyone from those eager to accept the challenge and beat its puzzles without hints to those in for the story and rather than the puzzles.
[b]Normal [/b]
Play on Normal for the ultimate [i]The Plane Effect[/i] experience. Normal mode gives you the opportunity to figure out the game’s riddles on your own without any hints. A little heads up here, it will probably leave you a little frustrated at times but if you are able to beat the game on Normal, you are a true puzzle expert.
[b]Narrative Hint
Choose Narrative Hint and little icons will start appearing above Solo’s head, all you have to do is press and hold your designated button. This is the perfect game mode for those who would like a little help occasionally but still enjoy solving the game’s tricky puzzles mostly on their own.
[b]Guided [/b]
Finally, there’s Guided mode. It won’t solve the puzzles for you but can make it a lot easier to get through the game’s challenges. If needed, use Guided mode and a little line will appear, guiding you to where you need to be in order to tackle the next riddle.
The best part? You have the option to alternate between gameplay modes depending on your preferences. Say you start off Normal but decide it’s not for you, simply pause the game and switch over to either Narrative Hint or Guided mode and carry on playing. You can also turn them on and off, simply let go off your hint button and it’ll disappear.
So that’s it, fellow puzzle enthusiasts.
Will you challenge yourself? How far can you get without hints?
[b]The choice is yours but remember, the hint system is there to help in case you need it. [/b]