Embark on a dark, dystopian isometric adventure as 'Solo,' seeking to reunite with your wife and daughter after an otherworldly, life-changing event. Solve intricate puzzles and evade an everwatching sinister presence...
Hey everyone,
We have some very exciting news to share with you very soon, what is that you ask?
Well.. we'll be announcing the release date for The Plane Effect!
That's right, you'll find out when exactly you'll be playing The Plane Effect very soon!
Keep an eye on our Steam page and our Twitter page @PQubeIndies!
Until then, we're very happy to share some brand new screenshots with you!
[h2]Solo's journey knows no bounds. Becareful, be vigilant. [/h2]
[h2]Armed with a flashlight, Solo creeps out of his car to investigate...[/h2]
[h2]Environmental-based puzzles are the corner-stone of The Plane Effect's gameplay... [/h2]