The Pit: Infinity Update v1.0.8.8096

The Pit: Infinity

Enter a legendary alien facility dug deep into the Feldspar Mountains... a massive Pit, built by the ancient Suul'ka. Enter The Pit again for the first time, in this unique Roguelike / FPS hybrid!

[b]The Pit: Infinity Update v1.0.8.8096[/b] Fixes[list][*] Fixed Unload Ammo not working. [*] Fixed double Reload animation. [*] SotSdex button no longer closes info-screen. [*] Fixed AI flip-flopping between flee and attack. [*] Fixed psi laser bolts not disappearing. [/list] Changes[list][*] Added additional text to help screen. [*] Added item tooltips to Quick slots. [*] Improved item tooltip for inventory. [*] Inventory Armor / Weapons show their damaged state. [/list]