The Pit: Infinity Update v1.0.16.8414

The Pit: Infinity

Enter a legendary alien facility dug deep into the Feldspar Mountains... a massive Pit, built by the ancient Suul'ka. Enter The Pit again for the first time, in this unique Roguelike / FPS hybrid!

The Pit: Infinity Update v1.0.16.8414 Fixed:[list] [*] Dropped items no longer fall through floors for MP clients. [*] Weapons can no longer be loaded with the wrong type of ammo. [*] MP clients having trouble selecting player class is fixed. [*] Adaptoids no longer spawn within other props. [*] Adaptoids no longer make sounds while hidden. [*] Improved responsiveness when player is closing doors. [*] Scattergun scatter scattered more."[/list] Added:[list] [*] Options to toggle Focus Aim/Sprint.[/list] Changed:[list] [*] Player closing a door explicitly will unlock it (eg, closing it after AI opens it).[/list]