A Christmas Stocking Stuffer

The Pit: Infinity

Enter a legendary alien facility dug deep into the Feldspar Mountains... a massive Pit, built by the ancient Suul'ka. Enter The Pit again for the first time, in this unique Roguelike / FPS hybrid!

It's the holiday season again, and before we take a few days off to decompress, we wanted to put some time into updating The Pit: Infinity. And as a little treat for the holidays, we've changed ammo crates to gift boxes, which will always open and you always get something good! These are just for the holidays though, so enjoy them while you can. Keep your feedback coming - we read it all and we will continue to work on the game when we can. You support of us helps us support the game. And be sure to let everybody know that all The Pit Roguelike games are on sale as part of the Steam Winter Sale! Have a happy holidays, everyone and we'll see you in the new year! The Pit: Infinity v1.2.2.8920 [list] [*] Swapped Ammo Crate art with Gift Box, made invulnerable, always succeeds. Ho ho ho! [*] Players' damage animation will no longer play for minor damage. [*] Fixed last charge of a med-kit consuming other med-kits. [*] Fixed display name for Sar (was "Blade") [*] Fixed locker dropping 3 rocket launchers and 1 rocket (now drops 1 rocket launcher and 3 rockets) [*] Fixed locker dropping 5 Sars blades at once. [*] Fixed locker dropping more than one R G Special. [*] Reduced shotgun damage. [*] Fixed monsters playing multiple hit sounds when hit by shotguns. [*] Increased damage from laser beam weapons.[/list]