Happy 2020!

The Pit: Infinity

Enter a legendary alien facility dug deep into the Feldspar Mountains... a massive Pit, built by the ancient Suul'ka. Enter The Pit again for the first time, in this unique Roguelike / FPS hybrid!

A Happy New Year from us all at Kerberos Productions! It was a busy year last year, getting The Pit: Infinity through Early Access and into full release, then working with you all to take your feedback into account as we did post-release support on the game. Now that we're into a new year, it's time to look to the future. Keep playing and sharing and talking about and reviewing The Pit: Infinity as much as you can - soon we'll start talking about someone new entering The Pit. We're not saying who - but our hints are blatant and you should all pretty much have guessed who we mean. If you haven't, stay healthy (wink wink) and stay tuned!