The new Infinity Girl demo: A high-speed 7 level mini-roguelike

Infinity Girl

Infinity Girl is a high-speed rhythm/racer/roguelite where everything — every action, every enemy and every spectacular world you encounter — is driven by the beat of the music. Each run is unique, with procedural levels that test your skills as you grind, drift, boost and leap to the rhythm.

Hope you're enjoying the holidays and have been able to relax! Between seeing family and developing a crippling Marvel Snap addiction, I've been working hard on Infinity Girl. A lot of the features I'm working on for the upcoming, full alpha version are now in an updated version of the demo, and I want to share it with you all first! I give you... The Mountain™ update. The demo is now live on Steam, and features a ton of new features: [list] [*]The Mountain: The demo starts off with a brand new set of 3 downhill outdoor levels set on the side of a mountain. I had to rewrite the procedural generation for these levels, and I'm really pleased with where they are at now! [*]Death Boons™: When you die, choose from a range of abilities you carry over to your next run [*]Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze times for each level [*]Dodge rolls! Double tap the bank buttons (L or R trigger/A+D keys) to jump out of the way of oncoming obstacles [*]New abilities: Microgravity, "slippery" rails that make you go super fast and more! [*]VASTLY improved movement: I completely overhauled dashing, banking and other movements in the game so they feel much smoother, more fluid and responsive [*]Speedometer so you can see exactly how ludicrously fast you're going [*]Changed colors of speed hoops, coins and other good items to blue (instead of yellow since that was too close to the red/orange I use for obstacles that can kill you) [*]MANY optimizations and bug fixes, especially on the procedural generation (which was pretty buggy in the last demo). [/list] Huge thanks to everybody who streamed the game and/or reported bugs in the Infinity Girl discord... which [url=]you should totally join[/url] to get the upcoming alpha in early 2023. Happy speeding everybody! Enjoy. -Adam/DevDad