The Infinity Girl #IndieRacers Special Edition Demo is now live!

Infinity Girl

Infinity Girl is a high-speed rhythm/racer/roguelite where everything — every action, every enemy and every spectacular world you encounter — is driven by the beat of the music. Each run is unique, with procedural levels that test your skills as you grind, drift, boost and leap to the rhythm.

Hey everyone! I've been hard at work on a special edition of the Infinity Girl demo, and am excited to share it with you all. This is the culmination of tons of feedback from all the players and streamers to date, and there is A LOT of new content in this extended demo that I just released on Steam. You can play it now! [url=][/url] Here are the biggest updates: [list] [*] [b]Much more variety[/b] in the procedural levels. This includes new level tiles like Risers, which send you and other obstacles flying upwards every 4 beats of music, as well as the infamous Danger Tubes™️. Also added more randomized elements throughout the level tiles -- every run will feel more unique now. [*]Made the [b]controls/gameplay much more accessible[/b] by making Journey mode, a less intense playstyle that doesn't require as much rhythmic ability, the default mode of play for Infinity Girl. Rhythm mode is still available though! [*]There are now [b]two unique worlds in the extended demo: The Joyride and The Challenger.[/b] Joyride features shorter, less intense levels with more lives. Challenger is a, um, more challenging set of levels meant to test your skills. [*][b]Even more grindrails![/b] [*]Every run now features [b]six levels[/b] instead of five. [*][b]Smashy goodness[/b]: you can now smash through obstacles with the brake blast. [*]Added a [b]double jump[/b] ability! [*][b]Major performance optimizations[/b] [*]Full mouse and keyboard controls! [*]You now get [b]tips and inspirational quotes[/b] every time you die (which is a lot, since its a roguelike and all lol) [*][b]Countless bug fixes [/b]and tweaks. [/list] As always, drop by the [url=]Infinity Girl discord[/url] once you have a chance to play and lmk what you think (or if you run into bugs)! Thanks everyone! -Adam (aka DevDad3030 aka the solo dev behind Infinity Girl)