Infinity Girl: The Charged Update

Infinity Girl

Infinity Girl is a high-speed rhythm/racer/roguelite where everything — every action, every enemy and every spectacular world you encounter — is driven by the beat of the music. Each run is unique, with procedural levels that test your skills as you grind, drift, boost and leap to the rhythm.

Hey everybody! I just pushed a new demo build of Infinity Girl with a TON of big updates. I'm continuing to iterate on the alpha demo based on streamers' videos and other feedback. I'm basically treating it like a baby alpha version of the game as I tune the difficulty and the core loops of Infinity Girl. [b]Major updates in this version include: [/b] [list] [*] The Right Shoulder button can now trigger [b]secondary abilities! [/b] So now instead of losing your dash ability (Y button) you can purchase another power to suit your playstyle during each run. Which brings me to... [*] I added a few [b]new roguelike abilities[/b] you can purchase at the end of levels, including: [*] [b]Kinetic sloth:[/b] a secondary ability that makes everything go into slow motion for 4 bars [*] [b]Mega dash:[/b] dash, but BIG [*] [b]Slow blast:[/b] go into slow mo during brake blasts for extra precision during chaotic moments [*] [b]Charge meter:[/b] If you stay on beat for sixteen beats, you get a charge to use your dash or second ability. By default, you can currently have up to four charges, which is very overpowered atm lol. This will probably turn into abilities in future builds, so enjoy the OP default build while it lasts 😄 [*] Abilities/powers no longer duplicate, and now appear as [b]fancy cards[/b] at the end of each level! [*] More Grind rails! I already had them in the 4th level, and now they will frequently appear on levels 1 and 3 as well. This makes the first few levels even faster and more fun. [*] Lots of adjustments to the difficulty, includes less obstacles, more plentiful lives (you get a bonus life every 25 coins now), more coins, fewer tricky jumps and a roguelite perma-upgrade path to get more starting lives more quickly across multiple runs. [/list] The updated demo is now live on Steam! Enjoy! 🏃‍♀️ PS If you want to help me shape the game, join us over on the Infinity Girl discord! -Adam (solo dev/music producer behind Infinity Girl)