The Mortuary Assistant is Now Available on Steam!

[h3][i]River Fields Mortuary is now open for Business![/i][/h3] [previewyoutube=dc3Zn6KXito;full][/previewyoutube] Step into the shoes of Rebecca, an apprentice at the [i]River Fields Mortuary[/i]. You've spent months learning the ropes of the embalming process and how to treat the bodies of the dearly departed. During your time in the office, you've heard rumors and murmurs of [i]possessions[/i] and [i]hauntings[/i] taking place behind the brick walls of the mortuary. But, with such a stigma around death and what happens when we die, it’s no surprise people make up stories around the dead. That is, until, you receive a phone call to [b]come into work one stormy night...[/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37527154/6416f197f783f0885474e33c627f909506981b94.gif[/img] There are [i]multiple endings[/i] and plenty of secrets to uncover in [b]The Mortuary Assistant[/b], so keep on embalming after your first go around! Perform embalmings, handle the various jobs around the mortuary, and exorcise demonic forces. All in a day’s work. [h2]Purchase [b]The Mortuary Assistant[/b] Now![/h2] [h3][u]Social Links:[/u][/h3] [list] [*] [h3][url=]Darkstone Digital's Twitter[/url][/h3] [*] [h3][url=]DreadXP Tiktok[/url][/h3] [*] [h3][url=]DreadXP Twitter[/url][/h3] [*] [h3][url=]DreadXP Youtube[/url][/h3] [*] [h3][url=]DreadXP Instagram[/url][/h3] [*] [h3][url=]DreadXP Discord[/url][/h3] [/list]