[h2]What you've all been waiting for is finally here! The fifth entry in the horror game anthology series has been announced! [/h2]
[h3]What's the Dread X Collection, you ask?[/h3]
The [i]Dread X Collection[/i] is a series of horror games that house smaller, focused titles from different independent developers. It's a collaborative effort between indie creators and [b][i]DreadXP[/i][/b] to deliver a unique experience in the horror space, complete with a gripping, narrative that persists between collections! Each one focuses on a specific theme ([i] shooters, cute & spooky, etc.[/i]), giving the player something entirely fresh with each entry! [b][i]More info about the Fifth Collection coming Monday![/i][/b]
[h3]Want to Catch Up with the Horror?[/h3]
Grab the [b][i]DreadXP Publisher Bundle[/i][/b]! It includes Collections 1 - 4, as well as other titles published by [b]DreadXP[/b]! You can't go wrong with a deal like that!
If you want to keep up with the comings and goings of the new collection, please follow us either on our socials ([i][url=https://twitter.com/DreadXP_]Twitter[/url], [url=https://www.tiktok.com/@dreadxpgames?lang=en]Tiktok[/url], [url=https://www.instagram.com/dreadxpgames/]Instagram[/url][/i]), or join the official [b]DreadXP[/b] [i][url=https://discord.gg/MspFTARPxD]Discord[/url][/i]!