[h3]Get your official [b]DREADXP[/b] merchandise to represent your favorite titles! [/h3]
Looking to adorn your bedroom with a poster of your favorite skeleton trio, [i][b]LEFTI, RIGHTI[/b][/i], and [i][b]MIDI[/b][/i]? Or maybe you're looking to update your wardrobe with a shirt that just screams "[i][b]ph'nglui mglw'nafh kawaii Ln'eta R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn[/b][/i]"?
Well [i]we've[/i] got your back! Check out the store with the link below! And don't worry if you don't see something that strikes your fancy. There'll be more to come soon...
[h2][url=https://store.dreadxp.com/]MERCH STORE LINK[/url][/h2]