It's Officially Date Night!

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41327084/0949b43d60473d911265d2b13eaead82c6ccf688.png[/img] [h3][i]Get that cultist robe pressed, because it's date night, and you have a reservation for two! Or was it three? Four!? [/i][/h3] [h2][b]Sucker for Love: First Date is out now on Steam![/b] [/h2] [h3][u]What [i]*is*[/i] [b]'Sucker for Love'[/b]? [/u][/h3] [list] [*] Three chapters of laughs, screams, and tears, all in one [i]thick[/i] package! [*] Every decision you make will [i]significantly[/i] affect gameplay and determine which ending you arrive at! [*] Immersive re-imagining of the visual novel genre loaded with gameplay! [*] "Three" "fully-voiced" "dateable" "girls" [*] A stylish artistic/musical direction reminiscent of old-school anime and dating sims! [*] [b]No[/b] horror elements or danger [i]whatsoever[/i] [/list] Want a place to chat about the game, join our the official [b]DreadXP[/b] [url=]Discord[/url]!