🦝 The Merchant Update is here!

Diluvian Winds

Diluvian Winds is a relaxing management game set in a small hamlet at the foot of a lighthouse. Welcome weary travelers and work together to expand your hamlet on land, under the sea, or among the clouds.

Diluvian Winds’ second major update is here! In this update, we've introduced a brand-new addition to the game: the Merchants. These adorable yet fearless adventurers sail the seas to engage in trade. Despite their friendly appearance, don't underestimate their business acumen – they are shrewd entrepreneurs! [b]Summary[/b] [list] [*] A new game mechanic: the Merchants [*] A new chapter to introduce them [*] New Merchants-related projects [*] 5 new Merchant species [/list] [b]/!\ KNOWN BUGS /!\ [/b] [list] [*] Localization is not complete for some languages [*] Saves from older versions may not be compatible [/list] [b]THE MERCHANTS [/b] The Merchants are brave travelers who traverse the world in their boats. They offer to trade goods with the lighthouse in return for a place to dock for a few days. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40103569/4c5abae75d51c6bedd09ab2b27400bb56b06b1ca.gif[/img] They organize themselves into guilds, and each guild specializes in specific types of goods. You can enhance your relationship with a particular guild by trading with its affiliated merchants. This will unlock more trade options, sales, and even gifts along the way. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40103569/7c79ae588c898580e92aa0fc329d8200e4686627.png[/img] [b]CHANGES AND BUG FIXES [/b][expand type=CHANGES AND BUG FIXES] Travelers [list] [*] Travelers can now move rooms. Doing it counts as an action for the day (like producing resources) and has a cost. [*] A colored cover appears when using some actions on rooms (Blue : Reinforce, White : Move, Red : Clear) [*] Improved traveler’s pathfinding [*] Clearing debris won’t make the game crash in some situations [*] The traveler’s card will now show the correct survival way [/list] Save [list] [*] Replaced current auto-save with one auto-save per game mode [/list] Photo Mode [list] [*] Added an option to hide Characters [/list] Environment [list] [*] Added new sounds [*] Added new visual details and animations [/list] Title Screen and Main Menu [list] [*] The Lighthouse now reflects your progression through the chapters [*] The pop-in appearing when trying to access Sandbox Mode and Scoring Mode before doing Story Mode now opens the correct Mode when clicking on Continue [/list] Help Menu [list] [*] Fixed the scrollbar’s behavior in some edge cases [*] The bottom bar should not appear anymore during events [/list] Event [list] [*] The bottom bar should not appear anymore during events [/list] Help Menu [list] [*] The bottom bar should not appear over the help menu [/list] Localization [list] [*] Added missing Korean, Japanese, and Chinese translations [*] [/list] Story Mode [list] [*] Fixed an issue with the easy difficulty and Chapter 2 [/list] [b]BALANCING[/b] Oil is now easier to obtain and use in the game Fire [list] [*] Oil selector stop 1 -> 5 [/list] Lighthouse base storage [list] [*] Oil 5 -> 10 [/list] Rooms Colza Farm [list] [*] Production : Oil 2 -> 10 [/list] Kitchen [list] [*] Production Cost : Oil 3 -> 5 [/list] Oil Press [list] [*] Production : Oil 3 -> 15 [/list] Aquarium [list] [*] Rest Cost : Oil 1 -> 3 [/list] Duck Sauna [list] [*] Rest Cost : Oil 2 -> 5 [*] [/list] Mine (Submarine) [list] [*] Production Cost : Oil 1 -> 2 [/list] Frog Larva Farm [list] [*] Production Cost : Oil 2 -> 3 [/list] Oil Factory [list] [*] Production : Oil 1 -> 5 [/list] Salamander Algae Farm : [list] [*] Production Cost : Oil 2 -> 3 [/list] Turtle Foundry [list] [*] Production Cost : Oil 2-> 3 [/list] Flower Garden [list] [*] Production Cost : Vegetables 10 -> 7 [/list] Locust House [list] [*] Production Cost : Wood 10 -> 5 [*] Production : Insects 30 -> 25 [/list] Sawmill [list] [*] Build Cost : Wood 50 -> 40 [/list] Fishing House [list] [*] Production Cost : Insects 10 -> 5 [/list] Events Facing the Sea [list] [*] Reward : Oil 3 -> 6 [/list] Garbage Recycling [list] [*] Reward : Oil 1 -> 5 [/list] Recipes Insects Chips [list] [*] Production Bonus : Oil 1 -> 3 [/list] Ratatouille (Fish) [list] [*] Production Malus : Oil -1 -> -3 [/list] Fish & Chips (Vegetables) [list] [*] Production Bonus : Oil 1 -> 4 [/list] Insects Nem (Vegetables) [list] [*] Production Bonus : Oil 1 -> 4 [/list] Insects Nem (Fish) [list] [*] Production Bonus : Oil 2 -> 4 [/list] Bento (Vegetables + Fish) [list] [*] Production Malus : Oil -1 -> -3 [/list] Curry (Fish & Insects) [list] [*] Production Bonus : Oil 2 -> 3 [/list] Curry (Vegetables & Insects) [list] [*] Production Bonus : Oil 2 -> 3 [/list] Stuffed Vegetables : [list] [*] Production Malus : Metal -2 -> -3 [*] Production Malus : Oil -1 -> -3 [/list] Sushi [list] [*] Production Malus : Oil -1 -> -3 [/list] Insects Chapulines [list] [*] Production Malus : Oil -1 -> -3 [/list] Complete Platter [list] [*] Production Malus : Oil -1 -> -5 [/list] Mush [list] [*] Production Bonus : Oil 2 -> 4 [/list] Requests Produce Oil [list] [*] Quantity Min : 4 - 6 -> 12 - 17 [*] Quantity Max : 10 - 12 -> 20 - 25 [/list] Species Duck [list] [*] Production Bonus : Oil 1 -> 3 [/list] Frog [list] [*] Production Bonus : Oil 1 -> 3 [/list] King Fisher [list] [*] Production Bonus : Oil 1 -> 3 [/list] Turtle [list] [*] Production Malus: Oil -1 -> -3 [/list] Weathers Rainbow [list] [*] Production Bonus : Oil 1 -> 2 [/list] Rainstorm [list] [*] Production Bonus : Oil 1 -> 3 [/list] Sunny [list] [*] Production Malus: Oil -1 -> -3 [/list] Drought [list] [*] Production Malus: Oil -2 -> -5 [/list] [/expand]