Diluvian Winds Early Access Out Now!

Diluvian Winds

Diluvian Winds is a relaxing management game set in a small hamlet at the foot of a lighthouse. Welcome weary travelers and work together to expand your hamlet on land, under the sea, or among the clouds.

Hi everyone, Diluvian Winds has officially entered in its early access phase, and we are SO excited for this! 🎉 [previewyoutube=GbPQMGPDe5Y;full][/previewyoutube] [h3]FEATURES:[/h3] [list][*] 2 survival paths: Land and Underwater [*] 10 traveler species: Otter, Beaver, Bear, Mouse, Squirrel, Turtle, Salamander, Duck, Frog and Kingfisher [*] 30+ rooms [*] 5 story chapters [*] Sandbox mode[/list] Once again, thank you so much for your feedback and continous support! We really hope you will have an amazing time playing Diluvian Winds. ♥ Also, stay tuned as we'll share our roadmap with you very soon, so you'll learn more about what we've planned in terms of content thoughout the early access. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1561040/Diluvian_Winds/ https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/32737/Strategic_Settlements/ 👾 Give us your feedback on Discord: [url=https://discord.gg/ucfSenqDET]https://discord.gg/ucfSenqDET[/url] Have fun, everyone! -Alambik Studio & Goblinz Publishing