Diluvian Winds 1.0 is launching on April 25th!

Diluvian Winds

Diluvian Winds is a relaxing management game set in a small hamlet at the foot of a lighthouse. Welcome weary travelers and work together to expand your hamlet on land, under the sea, or among the clouds.

Hi everyone, [h3]After almost a year in early access, we are glad to announce that Diluvian Winds is launching out of early access on April 25th![/h3] [previewyoutube=poCobhtX37o;full][/previewyoutube] This latest update brings the following features: [list][*] Aerial Way [*] 5 new species [*] New gameplay mechanic: Expeditions [*] New resources: textile and artifacts [*] New achievements[/list] We would like to extend a special thank you to all the people who have played, wishlisted, provided feedback, and shared on social media. You have helped us a lot during the game development, so thank you for everything! We hope this 1.0 version will meet your expectations, and we will continue to listen to your feedback. For those who haven't acquired Diluvian Winds yet: the price won't change for the 1.0 launch, and [b]the game will be 30% off for a week[/b]! [h3]Wishlist to be notified for launch:[/h3] https://store.steampowered.com/app/1561040/Diluvian_Winds/ See you on April 25th! -Alambik Studio & Goblinz Publishing